Anglų kalbos 2009 m. valstybinio brandos egzamino testas (Use of English)
Klausimas #1
Part 1 (15 points, 1 point per item). For questions 1–15, insert the missing words. Write only ONE word
in each gap. There is an example (0).
The world of work is changing rapidly. Gone are the days (0) when
employment was working a nine-to-five job, earning a decent wage and (1)
the end of the day going home to be with the family. At (2) start of the new
millennium, employees work harder (3) less pay while spending longer
hours carrying out tasks. Imagine making enough money to pay off all your debts, save
some income, and use some profits (4) pleasure. Sounds like a great
employment situation. However, you have to take action and come (5) with
your own game plan.
Developing your own business plan may seem like a romantic notion, but
(6) truth is you will do it alone. You could fail and lose everything. But
you could also take off and fly (7) an eagle. The real question is: do you
want that sort (8) responsibility? Do you possess the kind of character
required (9) be your own boss? You must have discipline and work out
every detail of your business like your life depends (10) it. You must be
strong, intelligent and ready to make (11) your mind quickly. You must
be a leader.
The Internet is overflowing with resources you can use (12) order to
get your new business up and running. Today, you have access to a world of knowledge.
You can learn (13) other people's mistakes and avoid the pitfalls of many
new start-up businesses. Furthermore (14) are millions of potential
customers online. Now more (15) ever, opportunity is knocking for those
who dare to answer the call.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 15
Klausimas #2
Part 2 (10 points, 1 point per item). For questions 1–10, use the word given in capitals to form a word
that fits in the space in the same line of the text. There is an example (0).
Google is the world's most popular search engine. More than 380 million people use it (0) (MONTH) monthly
Known for its simple design the company's free
search tool which (1) (ABLE) consumers to type in any
name, term or phrase and (2) (EFFECT) find related
material online. Google's name is a play on the
word Googol, which is a mathematical term (3) (REFER) to
the number that consists of a 1 followed by 100 zeros.
In most cases, the company provides its services
free to all (4) (CONSUME), making profit from putting in an
(5) (ADVERTISE) on pages instead. As Google's visible
(6) (USEFUL) has spread across the Web, it has become one
of the world's most popular sites. Google also stresses
the respectful (7) (TREAT) of its employees, offering
benefits that are (8) (WIDE) considered as the most
generous. In the past two years, Google has placed
growing emphasis on (9) (PARTNER) with companies like
eBay, Dell, MTV and AOL. Its simple mission is to
make the world's information easily and
quickly (10) (ACCESS)
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 10
Klausimas #3
Part 3 (15 points, 1 point per item). Read the interview with chef T. Beckman. For questions 1–15,
complete the gaps by putting the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form. There is an example (0).
When and how did you decide to become a chef?
My family and friends encouraged me to go to school to become a better cook. I had
always loved to cook, but I (0) wasn't sure I wanted to become a chef until I
(1) (to enter) the cooking school.
Tell us how your career unfolded.
While I (2) (to study) at the cooking school, a chef at the school
approached me and asked if I (3) (to like) a job at a local hotel. I
worked there, then at the Ritz-Carlton Chicago and at a restaurant called Tra Via where
I was able to show what I (4) (to learn) over the years.
Who were the biggest inspirations for your career?
My mother and my father because my mother (5) (to teach) me how
to cook in my childhood and never said that food had (6) (to
prepare) only one way. My father encouraged me to try new things, even if I
(7) (not to be) sure they would work.
How important is it to create and maintain relationships within your profession?
It is extremely important. I was able to communicate with important people only after I
(8) (to join) several professional organizations. If you didn't get in
touch with other chefs, you (9) (not to know) what was going on in
the industry.
Is there a major difference where you study?
As far as I can tell, there is no difference. Nowadays you (10) (to
judge) for your ability, and not by where you went to school. Any employer would
rather (11) (to have) a hardworking and creative chef than someone
with just a diploma from a prestigious school.
What do you enjoy most of all about teaching your students?
Being able to play with food makes me the happiest chef in the world. I
(12) (to teach) for over three years now, and I love it. Working with
students lets me (13) (to experiment) and I love passing on my
enthusiasm and knowledge.
What advice would you give on the education and career?
I suppose students need (14) (to get) all the knowledge from their
teachers. Also working skills and abilities need to be developed. So,
(15) (to work) hard and listen well.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 15