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Britain - Education

Klausimas #1

What percentage of children in Britain go to public schools?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #2

What percentage of children in Britain go to independent schools?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #3

What proportion of 17-year-olds in England study a foreign language?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #4

What proportion of 20-year-olds in Britain study at university?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #5

Most British children between the ages of five and eleven go to ... schools.

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #6

Most British children between the ages of eleven and sixteen go to ... schools.

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #7

At which of these places could you not study for A-levels?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #8

What is the typical number of subjects studied at school by students in their second year of A-levels?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #9

What kind of qualification does a student who completes a course of undergraduate university study in Physics normally get?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #10

Which of these schools is the odd one out (different from the others)?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #11

What are the hours of the typical school day in Britain?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #12

Compared to the European average, how long is the school year in Britain?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #13

What is the word used to describe the act of submitting written work as your own when in reality is was written by someone else?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #14

How long do most university students in England take to graduate?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #15

Match. British words and phrases

Find the word or phrase which is used to mean or describe:

1    the three basic skills which should be taught in primary school ... ... assembly
2    the meeting of everybody in a school at the start of the day ... ... boarding school
3    a place where very young children go (like kindergarten or a creche) ... ... A-levels
4    the practice of grouping students of the same ability together ... ... a grant
5    subjects which students have to study ... ... compulsory subject
6    a school whose students live there ... ... the three Rs
7    money given to poorer university students to help them with living expenses ... ... a term
8    a badly-behaved child who has not learnt any discipline or cooperation ... ... streaming
9    a period of the school year (there are usually three of them) ... ... a spoilt brat
10    the exams which older teenagers take when they are trying to go to university ... ... nursery school
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #16

Fill in the gaps in this passage with words and phrases from the list below.

rejected    applications    the best possible chance    potential    more money   

academic performance    private tuition     not as good as      absurd parental strategy

a minority     accessible to all     you do not have enough potential


Naturally, parents want their children to go to a good school so that they get a good start in life. If they are rich enough, they can send them to an independent school, with fewer pupils per class and excellent exam results, so that they have of getting into a good university. However, if you were a rich parent in Britain today, this might be a mistake. Instead, you should send your child to a state school in a poor area with poor exam results. Meanwhile, use your money to hire private tutors. Why is this? In Britain, it is agreed that the opportunity of a university education should be equally . But there are only enough university places for of school leavers. And most of these go to kids from middle-class backgrounds, many from independent schools. For some time, universities have been encouraging from disadvantaged sections of society. But now they have an extra reason for doing this. If they accept enough students from state schools in poor areas, the government gives them .     So now many universities accept these applicants even when their exam results are other applicants they reject. To some extent, this positive discrimination is logical. It is reasonable to use not only achievement but also as a criterion for selection. On the other hand, if social background becomes more important than , it makes a mockery of academic standards. In addition, the effect on applicants should be considered. It is more psychologicallv damaging to be told ' ' than to be told 'you did not perform well in that exam'. Moreover, the outlined above might become widespread. This would give an even greater advantage to rich kids whose parents can afford .

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1