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Britain - The monarchy

Klausimas #1

Who does the monarch normally choose as Prime Minister

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #2

When somebody commits a crime in Britain, who or what, legally speaking, have they committed a crime against

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #3

When parliament agrees on a new law, what must happen before it actually becomes law

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #4

Which of the following is not a royal residence

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #5

Who is presently next in line to be the monarch in Britain

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #6

Who presently has the title 'Prince of Wales'

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #7

What is the name of the money given to the royal family to perform their public duties

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #8

Match. British words and phrases

Find the word or phrase which is used to mean or describe:

1    the seat on which a monarch sits (it is used to symbolize the position of monarch) ... ... abdicate
2    the person who will become monarch after the present monarch dies ... ... heir to the throne
3    resign from the position as monarch ... ... oath of allegiance
4    the crime of plotting to overthrow the state ... ... treason
5    the swearing of loyalty (to a monarch, a flag, a country, etc.) ... ... throne
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #9

ROYAL BIRTHDAYS. Put the following sentences into the correct order to complete the paragraph.

On 21 April 2006, Elizabeth Windsor celebrated her eightieth birthday. As this person is the reigning British monarch, this fact did not go unnoticed by the media.

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #10

Fill in the gaps in the text with the choices below to make a paragraph summarizing the 'role' and 'value'.

a president                                              personal embodiment

tourist industry                                      stability of the country

ceremonial duties                                  who want celebrity gossip

social psychological                             most other European monarchies

but perhaps not least                            expressions of national pride



Constitutionally, it is said that the British monarch has three roles. First, he or she is the i of the country, so that people can be as nasty as they like about the government and try to change it without threatening the .  Second, it is argued that the monarch is apossible final check on a dictatorial government. Third, the monarch has a practical role. As head of state,he or she performs the , leaving the real government more time for governing.However, could probably fulfil all these roles just as well. The mostimportant function of the British monarchy, therefore, is probably not constitutional at all. It is . The monarchy gives British people a symbol of continuity and a harmless outletfor . In addition, the glamorous lives of the royal family provide a focus of reverencefor those people who want heroes and the ideal source of entertainment for those. Last , there is the economic function. The monarchy in Britain is a great advantageto the country's . In this respect, its grand style (grander than)more than pays for itself.

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1