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Britain – Holidays and special occasions

Klausimas #1

About how much paid holiday does the average employee in Britain get each year?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #2

Which of these is not a well-known seaside resort town?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #3

Very roughly, what proportion of Britain's population takes a holiday abroad each year?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #4

Which country is the most popular holiday destination for British tourists?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #5

Which of these is a common greeting to another person around Christmas time?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #6

Which of these is a common greeting to another person on the anniversary of their birth?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #7

What is the common name in Britain for public holidays?

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #8

Match. Associations

1    Boxing Day ... ... Oxford Street
2    bank holiday weekends ... ... Santa Claus
3    Christmas dinner ... ... traffic jams
4    Christmas lights ... ... eggs
5    Christmas stockings ... ... jokes
6    Easter ... ... brussel sprouts
7    April the first ... ... winter sales
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #9

Match. Associations

1    Good Friday ... ... fireworks
2    Gretna Green ... ... trick or treat
3    Guy Fawkes ... ... Auld Lang Syne
4    Halloween ... ... pancakes
5    New Year ... ... hot cross buns
6    pantomime ... ... principal boy
7    Remembrance Sunday ... ... marriage
8    Shrove Tuesday ... ... poppies
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #10

British words and phrases

Find the word or phrase which is used to mean or describe:

1    an event with merry-go-rounds and other rides and amusements, mainly for children ... ... hiking
2    a fold-out chair made of wood and canvas, associated mainly with beaches ... ... a pier
3    a long platform extending out into the sea on which are placed various leisure facilities ... ... carols
4    walking for pleasure in the countryside, often in mountains ... ... a deck chair
5    religious songs with a Christmas theme ... ... a funfair
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1      
Klausimas #11

Fill in the gaps in the text with the words from the list below.

patronizing nativity offended grottos concatenation intercession ploy


For about eight weeks starting around the middle of November, town centres in Britain adorn themselves with festive decorations. There are lights, illuminated Christmas trees, scenes, and so on. The only negative reactions to these come from people who see them as a to get us into the shops and part with our money. This of Christian symbols andthe goals of commerce is most obviously seen in the presence of Santa's in thedepartment stores.In recent years, however, many of these signs have been disappearing. Many local councils have taken the view that displays of specifically Christian symbols are offensive to followers of other religions in their multicultural town. So, for example, the Christmas lights are renamed the 'winter lights', nativity scenes are removed, and written messages of goodwill omit the word 'Christmas'. These local councils are well-meaning, but their actions are insulting. To assume that members of other faiths are by signs of Christianity is It also betrays ignorance. JesusChrist, for example, is one of the most revered figures in Islam. It was heartening, therefore, when in 2005 the town of Wolverhampton moved the other way. For the previous few years, the lights in the town centre had spelled out the plain message 'Welcome', but following the of a local Muslim councillor,'Happy Christmas'was reinstated.

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 1