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Competition English Language Kagaroo-2010-Level1-Lithuania

Klausimas #1

People say that under the sea there is a world
full of magic and wonderful creatures. There,
among the colourful fish, the playful sea
horses and the bright starfish, lives the King of
the Sea. He has a beautiful palace where he
lives together with his old mother and his five
daughters. But the people of the sea don't look
like you and me: they have long fish tails that
help them swim very fast. 
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #2

 The princesses like to listen to their grandmother
talking about the world of the humans.
They are very curious and they want to see it
but they can go to the surface only when they
are 15 years old. The youngest of the
princesses, the Little Mermaid, is the most
beautiful and the most curious. One day, she
finds the statue of a prince and she dreams
about meeting him.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #3

 The time comes when the Little Mermaid can
go to the surface. She's fifteen today. She
swims quickly and looks around at the sea, the
sky and the moon. She is very happy to see a
very big ship. The people on the ship are
celebrating the birthday of their Prince. They
are dancing and singing. There are colourful
fireworks in the sky.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #4

But the sky gets dark, the sea isn't calm anymore
and a big storm starts. It is cold and it is
raining. The ship is in great danger and in the
end it goes under the water. The prince can't
swim and the Little Mermaid helps him. He
looks just like her statue. The Little Mermaid
takes him to the land. When the Prince opens
his eyes, she jumps quickly into the water.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #5

 The days go by and the Little Mermaid is
always thinking about the prince. She doesn't
know what to do to see him again. She goes to
the surface every day but she cannot find him.
One day she decides to go to the Sea Witch.
She is very ugly and dangerous but she knows
many things. The Sea Witch gives the Little
Mermaid human legs but she takes her
beautiful voice.

Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #6

The Little Mermaid is a human now but she
can't speak. She can only remain a human if
the Prince marries her. The Prince finds her
near his castle and takes her with him. The
Little Mermaid looks familiar to him but he
doesn't know who she is. She can't tell him
because now she can't speak.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #7

 They spend time together, they walk in the
forest near the castle and the prince talks to
her. She listens to him and she smiles. The
prince can see the love in her eyes but he
knows that he must marry another princess.
The Little Mermaid is very sad when she hears
that but she cannot do anything.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5      
Klausimas #8

The next day, the prince and his parents go
by ship to the palace of the Princess he must
marry. The Little Mermaid goes with him but
her eyes are full of tears. When the Prince
sees the sea, the ship and the Little Mermaid
he remembers about the night when he was in
danger. He understands that the Little
Mermaid is the girl who helped him and he
decides to marry her.
Atsakymų variantai rodomi tik registruotiems sistemos vartotojams. Mokytojo registracija, mokinio registracija
Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 5