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English prepositions and articles (Intermediate)

Klausimas #1

Write articles (a, an, the) or prepositions (in, at, on etc.).
Distance Education University Level
Not so long ago, getting college degree meant enrolling in a three or four year program and heading off campus every day. Now, with the proliferation correspondence and on-line courses, getting a degree might appear to be easier than ever. 
Distance learning or education is completing a curriculum of studies without being present a class room. The quality of education often equal or better than that a class room since most individuals who choose distance learning to obtain their education are more self motivated and every bit as conscientious about their education as their counterpart the class room. Due to today's technology, made part the internet, more people than ever before are choosing distance learning over traditional class room settings as vehicle of choice to obtain their education. Convenience, cost of travel and other costs associated with a more traditional setting and busy schedules are just some of reasons more students are studying for degree through distance education institutions. After all, consider the commuting time to and a campus and the delays between classes. Wouldn't your time be better spent studies or leisure time.
Distance degree programs are delivered using videotape, DVD's or VCD's, others are delivered entirely online, and some use combination of media. Some degree programs require you to attend few classes a year the university.
Despite the obvious advantages studying for a degree online, it is important to choose university to study at great care.

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Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 22