Test for florists
Klausimas #1
1. a type of large tree with hard wood, it has acorns.
2. a kind of tall tree with tough wood and corrugated bark.
3. a kind of tree witch leaf is a symbol of Canada.
4. a kind of tree witch has a reddish - brown nut.
5. a kind of evergreen tree that has cones and is decorated for St. Christmas.
6. a type of evergreen shrub with berries and prickly leaves.
7. a kind of plant with no flowers witch people seek on the 24th of June.
8. a type of small flowerless plant, forming a soft green covering on tree trunks or ground.
9. a white, red, big flower, growing in the water.
10. a kind of tall. stiff grass growing on wet or marshy ground or on the shores of the lakes, rivers.
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Klausimas #2
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