Testų bankas
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Vocabulary - banking and finance (Intermediate)

Klausimas #1

1. Here is a small . You'll get the rest of the money after the job is finished.
2. "Here's a ten-pound   ". "Your change, Sir".
3. "What is the in Poland". "It's the Polish Zloty".
4. He doesn't have any money problems. He is fully .
5. If you work longer than your usual working day you should be paid  
6. I don't get paid in cash. My salary is paid into my bank
7. The long-term loan you take from a bank to buy a house or flat is called a .
8. I don't have any money. I'm .
9. I need to my belt, and cut down on the money I spend on luxuries.
10. I don't have any cash on me. Can I pay with my card?

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Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 10