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Vocabulary - Exercise 1 (Advanced)

Klausimas #1

Read the sentences below and decide which of these words best fits each space. You may need need to change the form of the word.
redolent; incapable; precluded; rite; confer; rendering; correlation; prevail; officiating; deploy; criterion; reminiscent; clarified; obey; bestow.

1 - The small number of students have the school from offering as many courses this year.

2 - Magda is the book into Polish from English.

3 - Could you the first point please? I don't understand it completely.

4 - There's little between success in life and a university degree.

5 - This is a strange custom that still .

6 - Students should their teachers without question!

7 - A priest at the wedding.

8 - Gosia's an excellent mathematician, but as a lecturer she's totally .

9 - He a powerful argument against the proposal.

10 - Szczecin University an honourary degree on Lech Wałęsa.

11 - The Professorship was upon him in 1999.

12 -The success of the school should not be judged by financial alone.

13 - You have to go through an initiation before you're accepted into the Tolkien society.

14 - This room is of the the smell of the old library at Trinity College.

15 - One of my new students is of my ex-girlfriend.

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Taškų skaičius už teisingą atsakymą: 15