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Vocabulary - Exercise 3 (Advanced)

Klausimas #1

Read the sentences below and decide which of these words best fits each space. You may need need to change the form of the word.
nightmare, slumber, soporific, somnambulist, insomnia, consolidate, lucid, exemplify, enhance, pompous, entrepreneur, turbulent, verify, snooze, doze.
1 - I was lulled back into by the gentle sound of the river.
2 - Eating strong cheese before you go to sleep can your dreams!
3 - Ernest had three marriages, which all ended in divorce.
4 - Today, for the first time in months, Szymon spoke to us quite .
5 - The dinner was an extremely occasion, with speeches and formal toasts.
6 - Magda was a . She often woke up on a different floor of her block wearing only a nightdress, after wandering outside her flat in her sleep!
7 - I think I'll take a before my lessons at 'COUNTDOWN'.
8 - Last night I had the most terrifying . I dreamt that I was trapped inside a lift full of nuns!
9 - These figures are surprisingly high and they'll have to be .
10 - The office was so hot I nearly off at my desk.
11 - Her voice made it difficult to stay awake in the lecture.
12 - She hoped that marriage would their relationship. 
13 - This painting perfectly the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
14 - He'll make money - he's got that spirit.
15 - She went to the doctor's because she was suffering from .

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