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Vocabulary - phrasal verbs 1 (Upper Intermediate)

Klausimas #1

Use the correct phrasal verb to complete the phrase.
find out;get on with;hold on;get away;take after;cut down;look after;come up with;add up;put through;look for;get over;turn up;put off.
Have you if you won the competition yet?
I need to from work and take a holiday.
She still hasn't the death of her cat.
My daughter is a great cook, she really her mother.
Could you a moment while I see if Marek is in his office?
Extension 28? I'll .
She promised to her cigarette smoking to six a day.
He spent the entire night thinking and in the end a brilliant idea.
I'm afraid your story is not believable. It just doesn't .
Donata my cats while I was away on holiday.
We're not ready yet, we are going to have to the meeting until next week.
I'm Simon's address. Do you know it?
Mary twenty minutes late for the party.
I'm tired of waiting for Jacek. Can we our work?

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