Test Bank
In Test bank are 3753 tests, which you can use in your lessons!
English language593
Information technologies266
Lithuanian language239
Primary school185
Russian language171
System Statistics
Registered schools3,035
Registered teachers 33,648
Tests created265,920
Questions created8,746,671
Number of testings250,180
Number of pupils who conducted tests2,897,325


About eTest System

Solve test is a system of test creation and execution intended for teachers (lecturers) and pupils (students) of educational institutions.
Purposes of the eTest System are as follows:
  • to facilitate work of teachers (lecturers),
  • to improve the quality of learning,
  • to encourage the use of informational technologies in the educational system,
  • to make pupils (students) interested in the subject taught using contemporary technologies.
The main purpose of the system is to facilitate the work of teachers (lecturers).
Using this system each teacher (lecturer) can independently create tests of the subject taught for inspection of pupils’ (students’) knowledge.
Thanks to the system teachers (lecturers) do not need to inspect the tests carried out since this is automatically done by the system immediately after the test completion. Besides, a teacher (lecturer) can observe the process of test implementation in real time: they can see how many questions a pupil (student) answered, what questions he answered, how he answered them and how many points he got.
A possibility of test exchange is implemented in the system. Teachers (lecturers) of all educational institutions may allow other teachers (lecturers) who use the system to use their tests. In such a way time for test creation is saved.
Each registered teacher (lecturer) may use the Test Bank (currently 3753 tests available), change the tests and adapt them according to their needs. The Test Bank is constantly supplemented.
Possibilities of the System:
  • automatic and quick inspection of tests,
  • detailed report of test results in real time,
  • test exchange,
  • access to the Test Bank prepared,
  • restriction of time for test completion,
  • measures against cheating,
  •  test printing with generation of several test variants and with a template of correct answers for each of the variants,
  • automatic recognition of a school (institution) and a class (group),
  • activation of the test to the students who are not at school (for students at home, in foreign country or in other schools and etc.)
  • 8 types of questions:
    • one correct answer ()
    • several correct answers ()
    • an answer to be inserted ( )
    • a text with missing sections ( Anser )
    • a text with questions (  )
    • sentences connection ( )
    • identification of sequence ( )
    • yes/no (  yes  no )
  • In questions and answers it possible:
    • to format text,
    • to use pictures, tables, charts,
    • to insert audio and video materials (files),
    • to create formula in Math, Physics, Chemistry and etc.,
    • to insert interactive Flash programmes and animation,
    • to insert video from YouTube.
Advantages of the system: 
  • easy, quick, safe and comfortable to use,
  • it is not necessary to install and configure the system,
  • unlimited number of system users – teachers (lecturers) and pupils (students),
  • unlimited number of tests, questions and testing,
  • certificate for each teacher who created the test and made it “public”. 
Creating the System we constantly collaborate with educational institutions. Since the majority of teachers (lecturers) do not have much experience using a computer, we tried to create as simple and intuitive system structure as possible. Each element contains a detailed description of its functions.
Since the system operates in our server, it is not necessary to install or configure it in computers of your school (institution). In order to use the system only a computer connected to Internet is necessary. There are no special requirements for computers and software.
Try System for free. After registering your school (educational institution) in the system you and other teachers (lecturers) of your school (institution) will be able to use all possibilities of the system for 30 days without any obligations. If you like System, you will be able to continue using it.
The price of our services for one school (educational institution) is EUR 350 for one year. Payment by money transference. More.

There is also a possibility for a teacher to use system individually and independently of school. Service fee: 6,00 Eur/month. More.

Students who wish individually and independent to carry out the tests that are in the Test Bank (public tests) can use our system too. Service fee: 4,5 Lt/month. More.
We guarantee the following during the period paid:
  • constant and high quality operation of the system,
  • supplement of the Bank with tests of different subjects,
  • immediate solution of problems,
  • consulting of teachers (lecturers) on questions regarding work with System,
  • constant system improvement. 
Our purpose is to create the best system of test creation and testing. Therefore we are kindly waiting for your feedback about operation of the system and ideas how to improve it.
We have no doubts that you and other teachers (lecturers) of your school (institution) will positively assess System.
We wish you good using! administration